- Trim size: 10.0 x 12.0 inches (25.4 x 30.48 cm)
- Bleed size: 10.25 x 12.25 inches (26.035 x 31.115 cm)
- All bleeds must extend 0.125 inches (0.3175 cm) beyond the trim.
- Live area: 9.0 x 11.0 inches (22.86 x 27.94 cm)
- Please keep all live material 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) from all
- Offset
all printer marks to 12 points (0.167 inches, 0.423 cm).
- Please save pages as single-page units only. Spread pages should
be saved as two (2) single-page units. Allow a gutter allowance
of 0.38 inch (0.965 cm) - 0.19 inch (0.483 cm) on either side
of the gutter - for copy that runs across the pages.
- Submit ads in PDF/X-1a:2001 format.
- Be sure to include blled (0.125 inches, 0.3175 cm on each side) should creative call for it.
- Offset any printer marks by at least 0.125 inches (0.3175 cm).
- 300 DPI resolution is required at 100 percent.
- Four-color (CMYK) and Grayscale creative are supported (no spot colors, RGB, LAB, or ICC color profiles).
- Please include the client name in the file.
- Via e-mail to dschner@leadersmag.com or
- FTP Host ID:; User: leaders.ftp; Password: leaders.ftp or
- Via industry standard CD
addressed to:
David W. Schner
President & Executive Editor
LEADERS Magazine
59 East 54th Street
New York, NY 10022
Tel: 212-758-0740
- Color guidance for press run - digital, press, or off-press
proofs which meet SWOP specifications
- Include a CMYK color control bar for quality
- If a color proof is not supplied, the ad will print to SWOP specs and the publisher cannot be responsible if the color does not match the client's expectations.
For alternative file specifications or production questions, please
contact Darrell Brown at LEADERS Magazine at 212-758-0740 or DBrown@leadersmag.com.
For all other questions, please contact David Schner at LEADERS Magazine
at 212-758-0740 or dschner@leadersmag.com.
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