Simon Berg, Ceros

Simon Berg

Unlocking Creativity
Through Technology

Editors’ Note

Simon Berg is a British entrepreneur and thought leader in AI and creativity. He is the founder of Ceros. Since founding Ceros in 2012, Berg has raised over $100 million in funding from leading funds like Sumeru Equity Partners, Greycroft Ventures, Grotech Ventures, and Andreessen Horowitz with the mission of unlocking creativity through technology. To further that mission, Berg led the creation of Gemma in late 2023 – an AI creative assistant that inspires and empowers people to be more creative. Gemma also works alongside the Ceros Creative suite of tools Studio, Editor, and MarkUp. Prior to Ceros, Berg worked for over two decades at BORN Group (formerly Group FMG) starting as a gofer and eventually serving as CEO. Berg has been featured in publications such as Forbes, TechCrunch, Fast Company, and Entrepreneur for his work in tech, creativity, and AI. He is also passionate about empowering young people to be more creative and is an active supporter of organizations like The Creative Ladder and Virtual Enterprises.

Company Brief

Ceros (ceros.com) is an AI-powered content creation platform that empowers marketers, designers, and brands to create interactive content and digital experiences. Ceros has grown to hundreds of thousands of users and 1,000+ customers, including Red Bull, Conde Nast, Universal, Buzzfeed, LPL Financial, and more. The brand likens itself to a user-friendly content studio that allows businesses to easily create everything from microsites and pitch decks to product demos, landing pages, and reports that are eye-catching, highly creative, and go against the grain. Industries from B2B tech to healthcare, financial services, retail and hospitality can benefit from using Ceros to fit their creative business needs, amplify ROI and get things done.

Will you discuss your career journey?

I left school at 16, not out of a desire to start working immediately, but because the traditional educational system felt constrictive. The challenges were not just academic; my childhood was overshadowed by the strife at home, where the constant discord between my parents created a chaotic environment. In that turmoil, creativity became more than an escape – it became a means of survival.

This wasn’t merely about discovering a passion; it was about preserving a part of myself that the pressures of a typical path could have easily extinguished. My professional journey began in creative production, a field where I could transform my ideas into reality and empower others to explore their creative potential.

As I climbed through the ranks, from my initial steps at FMG to my leadership role at Ceros, my career was more than about ascending a corporate hierarchy – it was about proving that adversity could be a catalyst for innovation. My tenure at Ceros was driven by a core belief in the vital role of creativity and its power to inspire and transform.

Recently, I made the significant decision to step down as CEO of Ceros. This move was guided by the same principles that have always directed me – authenticity and a deep understanding of my capabilities and the needs of the company. Recognizing that Ceros required a different type of leadership to thrive, I chose to pass the mantle to someone equipped with the precise skills needed for its next chapter. This transition marks not an end, but a transformation – an opportunity to explore new paths and continue advocating for creativity from a new perspective.

As I continue to serve on Ceros’ board and support our new CEO, my journey remains fueled by a relentless passion for creativity, a trait that has defined my entire career and will continue to define my future endeavors.

“As I climbed through the ranks, from my initial steps at FMG to my leadership role at Ceros, my career was more than about ascending a corporate hierarchy – it was about proving that adversity could be a catalyst for innovation. My tenure at Ceros was driven by a core belief in the vital role of creativity and its power to inspire and transform.”

What was your vision for creating Ceros and how do you define its mission?

My vision for Ceros was driven by a core belief in the vital role of creativity and its power to inspire and transform. Its mission has always been to unlock creativity. Ceros was created to empower brands to create richer, more engaging brand experiences and tell better stories. It has real-time collaborative tools for marketers, designers, and anyone that revolutionizes the way designs are created.

Will you provide an overview of Ceros’ capabilities?

Ceros is a content creation platform that helps you easily create digital experiences and content. Since its inception, Ceros has grown to hundreds of thousands of users and over 1,000 enterprise clients such as Colliers, Getty, McKesson, McKinsey, Pepsi, and Red Bull to name a few. For the last 12 years, Ceros has been used by designers and marketers in Fortune 500 businesses across all sectors including tech, healthcare, financial services, real estate, consulting, and entertainment to create digital content such as microsites, pitch decks, product demos, reports, and more.

Where do you see the greatest opportunities for growth for Ceros?

Ceros has been known as a company that cares about creativity and can help enterprise clients and people be more creative through technology. It demonstrates how AI and creativity overlap, allowing companies to learn by utilizing Ceros. Being a trusted partner with many enterprise clients, I see many more opportunities to facilitate creativity for larger organizations.

“As I continue to serve on Ceros’ board and support our new CEO, my journey remains fueled by a relentless passion for creativity, a trait that has defined my entire career and will continue to define my future endeavors.”

Will you highlight your passion and efforts around empowering young people to be more creative?

I found the love of creativity to help me through difficult times when I was younger. It became a coping technique for me, and because of that I didn’t do what 95 percent of the population does and kill their curiosity, so I embraced it. I believe the world we are in now needs more curiosity because we are facing immense challenges, none of which are explained in a textbook. So, what we have to do to solve these problems and overcome these challenges is find new ways that have not been thought of.

For example, people believe that AI is going to destroy the world, but what if we look at it with open eyes and utilize its abilities? It could be a force multiplier for how to help solve problems and certainly solve some tough problems that already exist. In short, I do want people to be more creative, but be curious too.

“My vision for Ceros was driven by a core belief in the vital role of creativity and its power to inspire and transform. Its mission has always been to unlock creativity. Ceros was created to empower brands to create richer, more engaging brand experiences and tell better stories.”

Did you always know that you had an entrepreneurial spirit and desire to build your own company?

I don’t think I wanted to be an entrepreneur when I was younger. I believe I found my way into it by being curious. I was the child that loved to take things apart and put them back together to see how they operated. I even took apart my video game system as a child to see how it worked, and I once built a cherry soda machine from spare parts. My curiosity put me on a track of understanding and trying to solve problems that greatly helped me become who I am today.

What do you feel are the keys to effective leadership?

Being human. I want people to see emotions and understand that not everything is designed in an MBA course. Many times, failure is going to occur, and people have a right to be upset, but what they have to do is take the emotions learned from the failure and move forward. I believe in the consensus of thought – I would rather have 20 percent of the plan complete and everyone on the team focused on achieving the overarching goal. The more trust you build with your team, the better the results will be.

What advice do you offer to young people beginning their careers?

Don’t chase the money. Pursue your passion.